Lens Lab Project is a lens-based organisation built around the central belief that photography has the power to connect, empower, and advocate. LLP aims include; 

1. To co-produce photographic work with diverse communities.

2. Share skills for people & communities to access the magic of image-making and co-opt the power of self-representation.

3. Commission and project manage photography on behalf of arts/non-arts organisations.

4. Become a hub for photography, connecting early career practitioners across the North of England. 

5. Work with education sector to offer progression routes, mentoring, technical support & accessible facilities; studio, darkroom and related resources, and meeting space.


  1. Co-production and Equality of Representation
  2. Place and the local are respected and understood within a global context
  3. Professional and Creative Development includes research, status, knowledge share and publication.


COMMUNITY including Faith communities, underrepresented groups and social/neighborhood communities in Leeds and Yorkshire. 

UNIVERSITIES AND EMERGENT PHOTOGRAPHERS including Student Undergrads, Recent grads (4th year support) and Photographic departments and lecturers in Further Education and Higher Education. 

ARTS, CULTURE AND CREATIVE INDUSTRY. LLP has an extensive track record in co-producing and self-initiating work for public exhibition. 

PHOTOGRAPHIC ORGANISATIONS AND PRACTITIONERS ACROSS THE UK. LLP plays an active role in advocating for and supporting photography through professional development, advocacy, research and promotion. 

THIRD SECTOR ORGANISATIONS AND COMMISSIONERS to produce high quality photography for organisational and corporate use in publicity or annual reports.